Crop Care: a cloud service and a mobile app that give farmers best-in-class crop pest predictions, allowing them to use pesticides precisely when, where and only as much as needed. The pest prediction method is unique: combining public data (e.g. weather) with proprietary data (e.g. drone video footage) and farmer input (e.g. pictures of diseased plants in the fields, location of where pests are in their fields). Beyond this primary function of the app – a disease detection algorithm – it is planned to have further functionality additions later on, such as proposing possible treatments to the pest (with a focus on integrated disease management and low risk crop protection products), linking to the farm management systems (“BMS” in Dutch), a social platform (allowing farmers to connect), crop price information, and so forth.
The Crop Care app will fall under the Farm of the Future roadmap goal of pest control (Ziekten, onkruid- en plaagbeheersing): low-risk crop protection by allowing a more targeted and thereby more limited use of crop protection products. In a follow-up phase, it is also foreseen it can help farmers switch to using less crop protection products and/or to low risk alternatives.